AWA 2014

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AWA 2014

Post by davemerrill »

So this year's AWA is a few weeks away. Gonna be a big show this year with great new musical guests including Shonen Knife and MIQ and an anisong group from Japan, and guests including the Japanese voice talent for Amuro Ray and Sailor Saturn. I'm mostly done with everything I gotta do. Still have to get some stuff printed out and arrange some things, but it's largely in the can and ready to be unleashed! Here's what I'm up to:

Thursday at 7 it's the Super Happy Fun Sell with 50+ sellers selling their pre-loved anime stuff at discount prices to YOU. I have been whittling down my pile of 'sell' stuff so I won't have as much to sell, but it's always fun to be there in the middle of the activity.


Later Thursday night I'm doing the live version of my "Top Ten Least Essential OAV" column, which ought to cause a flurry of hand-raising and "You Forgot..." among the audience as they seek to display their own awesome knowledge of these arcane subjects in the one place such a display will be acknowledged and encouraged.


Friday night it's time for Anime Hell, preceded by Neil Nadelman's Totally Lame Anime and followed by Ryan Gavigan's Midnight Madness!! Now in Hall D of the Galleria!


Saturday night some of us old goofs are getting together to catch up, shoot the breeze, and reminisce on the Old Daze of anime fandom in Atlanta. Yes, it's a C/FO Atlanta Reunion!


Sunday morning Neil and I are going to talk about our favorite anime show about the plucky orphan who survives waterfalls, step-sibling abuse, cross-ocean voyages, public schools, the harsh world of professional nursing, and repeated shocks to her romantic nature - it's Candy Candy!


Sunday afternoon we're doing the Atlanta Anime Con roundtable panel, but I don't have an image for that one yet. So it's another busy convention of panels and parties and socializing and selling and all that jazz. If you can make it be sure to catch me at one of these things and say "Hi!"
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Re: AWA 2014

Post by Drew_Sutton »

I am planning on being in attendance in some form but won't be participating (running panels, promoting other conventions or otherwise all dedicated to the conventions) as much as I have in the past several years. I'll be sure to stop by some of the events - kinda interested in getting into the FUNSELL to shop, planning on hitting up the C/FO Meet up since it's open to us kids, and still browsing panel schedules.
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Re: AWA 2014

Post by greg »

Dave, I checked your blog for a followup, but didn't see one. Can we have a recap of the event?
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Re: AWA 2014

Post by _D_ »

For a second there I thought they had reinstated the American Wrestling Association...but no...
Carry on then...
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Re: AWA 2014

Post by davemerrill »

Been busy since I got back and haven't had time to check in. My AWA recap is on my Livejournal.

Part one:

part two:

part two too:

part three:

long story short: in some ways one of our more ambitious years and in other ways a streamlined, back-to-basics kinda show. Ditched some old things, tried some new things, made some last minute plans that worked splendidly. Dealt with a fire alarm and evacuation. I personally had a lot of fun, got to spend some quality time with Japanese fans, which I don't get to do a lot of. Anyway, it's all in the report. Also, Scopitones.
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