AnimeEigo opinions

Discuss anime, especially but not limited to 1950's~1990's series, and related sub-topics
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Re: AnimeEigo opinions

Post by Heero »

I have a bunch of AnimEigo LDs actually. :lol: But they'll always have a special place with me for their release of the Oh My Goddess OVAs, which is pretty much my all time favorite anime. Also, I watch anime multiple ways, but I was always amused by their original tagline "The Best Anime You'll Ever Read!".
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Re: AnimeEigo opinions

Post by Ender424 »

greg wrote:They will always hold a special place in my heart. They were one of the first few anime companies, and all of their releases are a labor of love.
raiderfan99 wrote:
Besides that, they were a company started by otakus, ran by otakus. They never had the "cutting edge" titles like ADV, but were known for the quality of their releases. The cultural notes they packed with releases were unique and informative.
That's what I loved about Animeigo as well. I wasn't into anime back in the days of hardcore fans mailing around fansubbed tapes but Animeigo titles kinda took me to that place - I could really sense the passion!
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