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Re: is fandom hazardous to your health?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:36 am
by greg
I've been watching a very fascinating BBC documentary called The Men Who Made Us Fat. Here's a link to the playlist. It delves into the neuroscience and psychology of how people get trapped into the never-ending spiral of obesity.

As Admiral Ackbar would say, "IT'S A TRAP!"

Re: is fandom hazardous to your health?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:04 am
by _D_
Never mind fandom, I've lost way too many friend's already. Not just ones older than me, but many of my friends (and not so friends) from public school are dead. The kids from one entire family are gone. None made 50. The last was into a very healthy "all natural" lifestyle. She developed bone marrow cancer and deteriorated rapidly over the course of a year. I can still remember her not wanting me to see her in the final weeks before her death. Her siblings had been gone for years, one from an industrial accident, the other from AIDS. The other kids went from accidents like car accidents and drowning to self induced stuff like smoking related cancer or in one case...murder. So, it's nice to run with whatever you have for your lifestyle but you got to remember that there are no guarantees. My granny ate just about anything she damn well pleased but did not smoke or drink. She lived to be 99 years old. So, that's what my aunt and sister are shooting for. I hope they make it. Me? One day at a time is all I'm shooting for.

Today is another day and another chance...