Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

The roughly mid-90's and earlier (generally pre-Toonami, pre-anime boom) era of anime & manga fandom: early cons, clubs, tape trading, Nth Generation VHS fansubs, old magazines & fanzines, fandubs, ancient merchandise, rec.arts.anime, and more!
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Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by mbanu »

Started in 1984 as C/FO - Sacramento, with a name change to Anime Sacramento in 1989, and headed for many years by Laurine White. (^_^) It looks like it was still active in 2006, according to an old newsletter:
Next meeting, on the 4th Saturday in January 2006, Jan 28, from 1pm to 10pm, will be combined with the Sacramento Anime screening. Ian will show up with some new anime. Thank you kind folks who brought munchies in November, sodas, fresh fruit and cake. Chips, Japanese snacks and some canned sodas will be on hand. Dinner break is 7-8pm (or whenever). Front room will be reserved for Asian action films and some of that experimental stuff, so that we won't sully Ian's computer again. The November meeting was the largest in several years.
( ... ary06.html)

The 20th anniversary issue had a nice sound-out to old-school fans:
We would be remiss if at this celebratory time we did not look back at our fellow fans that are no longer here with us in body. Anime Sac like any other club changes with time as does the face of Fandom in general. While celebrating Anime Sac's 20th anniversary let us not forget those who have passed on. Those faithful fans of Japanese fantasy that persevered and nurtured the interest in Japanese anime and Fantasy before it became a accepted mainstream medium. Crammed in small back rooms at Sci-Fi conventions, long road trips to San Francisco and Los Angeles to find Japanese Fantasy toys and media in a few obscure stores, and those few who worked feverishly to develop video contacts in Hawaii, Japan and other locals to obtain shows on VHS tape-We thank and salute you. We owe them much. Let us carry and remember their spirit with us for the next 20 years.
( ... May04.html)

Not much info on the club after 2006, although I think Dave mentioned that it's still active. It'd be fun to see scans of the old newsletters -- the online stash only covers 2001-2006.
mbanu: What's between Old School and New School?
runesaint: Hmmm. "Middle School", perhaps?
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by mbanu »

Laurine White hashing out a tape trade for C/FO - Sacramento with William Chow of Arctic Animation in 1989:
( ... on/aa.html)
mbanu: What's between Old School and New School?
runesaint: Hmmm. "Middle School", perhaps?
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by mbanu »

mbanu wrote:It'd be fun to see scans of the old newsletters -- the online stash only covers 2001-2006.
Apparently I wasn't the first person to think this. (^_^) There's a few available through the Otarchive Project:

April-May 1988, while still part of the C/FO
( ... il-May1988)

Interesting to see the C/FO falling apart in action, with casual mentions of Denver and Hayward dropping out.

April-May 1989, post-C/FO
( ... il-May1989)

One fascinating thing is the mention of fansubbed copies of "What's Michael?"; as far as I can tell, these never made it to the internet; just this year a new group decided to fansub the "What's Michael?" OVA, starting from scratch.
mbanu: What's between Old School and New School?
runesaint: Hmmm. "Middle School", perhaps?
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by _D_ »

No,no, no! I can't go back and scan stuff at the moment. Getting requests for stuff from old mags, APAs, CFO regional newsletters, studio fanclub newsletters (found some from the Tatsunoko Studio from 1980 and 81), etc. And Staples has a nice Epson V550 on sale again but they should just give it away as it's been sitting there for 5 years...
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by runesaint »

mbanu wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:44 pm Laurine White hashing out a tape trade for C/FO - Sacramento with William Chow of Arctic Animation in 1989:
( ... on/aa.html)
Hmm, I wonder if I still have all the letters I exchanged with Laurine White or if one of the moves/cleaning things got rid of them. I do remember her being continually mystified as to why I would want copies of the Hawaiian GE999 episodes...

I wonder how much of what we miss was the more personal contact; even exchanging letters and tapes in the mail had more than... touching buttons and clicking on <send> or <download> or.. whatever.
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by whitesnake »

Laurine White is still around, but I'm not active here, spend time now posting on an Asian film forum. I'm still at the same addy. The last Anime Sacramento show at my house was in January 2016. I was already slowing down, but was talked into a Prevnar13 shot by my doctor in Oct '16. That may have ruined my health forever, now with pain, AFIB, fatigue, and poor digestion (lost 30 pounds in half a year, not going to gain it back any time soon). I still send out a bi-monthly AnimeSac Newsletter, but it's been totally an e-zine for the past few years, and it's gotten pretty big. Lots of time available, due to retiring from my job in 2011, so I scour lots of online sources for anime and Asian movie news. Last year I only got to a couple of local conventions, wasn't even up to attending FanimeCon. My VCR died a few years ago; so I'm buying occasional DVDs - Asian movies - action, fantasy, anime, samurai, and books on Asian culture or novels set in Asia (lots of young adult Asian fantasy novels out there these days). My latest anime discovery is Inuyashiki (2017), an 11-episode series available on Amazon Prime, but I got a great DVD set from Malaysia with excellent English subs. At my age I can identify with the hero, a 58-year-old salariman, who looks much older. An alien spacecraft crashes in a Tokyo park, killing him and a teenager. After replacing their bodies with cyborg bodies and reviving them, the aliens then depart Earth. So an older man, ignored by his family and co-workers, can suddenly do anything he wants to, with the super-powers given him by his cyborg body. The kid turns psychopath, using his powers to kill lots of people. But the older man sneaks into hospitals to cure the sick, or protects weak people from bullies. Eventually he has to confront the kid to stop his slaughter. A live action Inuyashiki movie has just been released in Japan, with Takeru Satoh as the psycho teen.
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by davemerrill »

hey Laurine! Sorry to hear about your health problems and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

I had not heard of Inuyashiki, thanks for letting us know about it!

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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by Daniel »

I would also like to echo Dave's comment and wish you a great recovery with your health.
I can certainly relate; these issues are not easy.
But we're all rooting for you.
Remember that you're always welcome here.
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by mbanu »

whitesnake wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:04 pmThe last Anime Sacramento show at my house was in January 2016.
Wow! 32 years!! That's amazing. If not The Otaqueen, that certainly ranks you as a member of the Otanobility. (^_^) I hope the fandom of today can continue what you've built.
whitesnake wrote: Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:04 pmMy latest anime discovery is Inuyashiki (2017), an 11-episode series available on Amazon Prime, but I got a great DVD set from Malaysia with excellent English subs.
That's a show with good bones. The studio responsible, MAPPA, was an offshoot of Madhouse. Not too many old-school staffers, although the character designer, Naoyuki Onda, also did the designs for Sol Bianca.
mbanu: What's between Old School and New School?
runesaint: Hmmm. "Middle School", perhaps?
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Re: Anime Sacramento (C/FO - Sacramento)?

Post by whitesnake »

Laurine White - Still here in March 2023, still have health problems, but thanks to an operation, at least I've stopped losing weight. Also cataract surgery earlier this year. Before, I could read without glasses; now I need glasses to read. I haven't been to the last few Sac Anime-cons; either the weather was too hot (110+ degrees; Labor Day 2022) or there was threat of heavy rain (Jan 2022) or actually too much rain (Jan 2023). A friend and I went to a local comic-con downtown (Sac Comic-Con) 2 days ago, since Saturday was between rainstorms. It was probably the first well-attended Sac Comic-Con since pre-Covid. Cosplay included comic-book heroes, anime costumes, historical/fantasy costumes, and some large leprechauns (it was St Patrick's Day). My friend and I bought some nice anime art prints and key chains. There's a small nearby anime con scheduled for April that I hope to get to. The only DVDs (& Blu-rays) related to anime I've bought recently are live action - Space Sheriff Gavan series and Kamen Rider Black series, along with Sonny Chiba and Jackie Chan movie collections. There are a couple of anime stores in Sacramento to check out in the near future - Kobe Anime and All Things Anime. I'd like to start the Anime Sacramento Newsletter again. The last issue to be emailed out was probably the January 2020 issue. But my computer needs some work, so I need to set up a computer appointment with a friend who does that sort of thing.
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