The roughly mid-90's and earlier (generally pre-Toonami, pre-anime boom) era of anime & manga fandom: early cons, clubs, tape trading, Nth Generation VHS fansubs, old magazines & fanzines, fandubs, ancient merchandise, rec.arts.anime, and more!
Hard to find any info on this one... looks like they joined the C/FO in 1988 and then exited during the exodus:
Club History: Started out as the Santa Barbara Chapter of the CF/O about six years ago. Broke with the organization during the Great CF/O Nuclear Meltdown a few years ago and struck out on our own.
Mbanu, I stumbled across your post, while googling my own name. So, I hope you don't mind a reply after so long.
I'm Nic, I was a member of the SB3A from about 1990 to 1998/9. I was Secretary of the club in 1998, which meant I created and mailed out the one page news/schedule sheet each month. I also served as Tape Librarian and VP other years.
I don't exactly remember why I stopped going, but it was about a 50 mile drive up to Santa Barbara so it was probably that, plus there were more options for anime becoming available. But it wasn't for any club drama.
If you have any questions, I can try to answer. I didn't become involved with official club duties until later in the decade, and don't have any memory of discussions about the C/FO.
Holy crap its KagatoAMV. I'm also an AMV editor and been back in the community since 2020 after taking a long haitus. I go by the editor handle "ZeonicFreak." I see your profile you do stuff for Sakuracon and one of my videos was a finalist at Sakura this year titled "MacWolf". Hope to chat with you some more on the forum!
Hey DKop, grats on making the finals at Sakuracon this year.
I didn't go to Sakuracon this year due to the date conflicting with Wondercon, but I'll be going next year (2025). I co-host the Iron Editor AMV event at Sakuracon.
I dug through my SB3A newsletters and did find one C/FO item, the "Directory of Anime Fandom No2", not sure when I got it, but I assume it was through the club.
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