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AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:10 pm
by Animusubi

I'm not really a fan of AKB48, but this was still unsettling nonetheless. Everytime I see news articles like this, it makes me rather upset. I realize it was in the contract she signed not to date outside the group, but this time around, it's even worse she felt she had to shave her head and give out a public apology. And that they demoted her...

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:57 am
by usamimi
I was ranting about this on Twitter the other day with some friends. I think it's terrible that the "sex scandal" here is simply that she HAD SEX WITH HER BOYFRIEND, omg. :roll: Seriously, that shouldn't be such a huge deal, and watching that video of hers was so unsettling that I couldn't even watch the whole thing. I know she signed a contract, but geez she signed it when she was what, 13? I would've signed a contract like that at 13 if it meant being a famous millionaire, too. We all do stupid stuff, she shouldn't be punished for her poor judgement. (Plus it's a stupid rule, anyway. She's forced to sing love songs all the time but she can't ever actually fall in love?!)

I know a lot of people have argued "Oh but it's their culture, that's how it's always been, blahblahblah," but I don't think that's a very good excuse. She didn't deserve to be treated that way. :cry:

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:59 am
by davemerrill
I find the whole thing repulsive. This incident has brought to light the worst aspects of idol culture; treating human beings like slaves for the entertainment of brain-damaged misogynists who can't stand the thought of their imaginary girlfriends having lives, relationships, or emotions, all for the profit of management. Disgusting.

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:17 am
by Heero
I like their music, but yeah the whole idol thing... not really feeling that. I DO wonder if (as a few have posited) this turns out to be a saavy move on her part since it has garnered her (deservedly so) a LOT of sympathy. I guess the two questions are:
#1. Does this tear AKB48 down/apart such that the results to her specifically don't "matter"?
#2. Who has the bigger impact on that market, the possessive WOTAs or the general populace?

(Just guessing based on past "scandals") I'd assume the hardcores think she is "tainted" and her career there is probably doomed, but the general populace seems to be on her side. Problem being, the "general populace" doesn't buy massive piles of AKB merchandise, so it will (purely from an academic standpoint) be interesting to see what impact this has on the market for their stuff.

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:47 pm
by kndy
Just to let you know...another scandal hit today. ... rformance/

This time it's AKB48's Yuki Kashiwagi who's solo single debut is today in Japan. She joined Minami Minegishi at a party on the 12th. But the party featured two guys from the J-League (soccer) and also an AV actress.

While not major, it still breaks the code of "not being caught with guys". Her agency came out with a statement a few hours ago that she attended the party but did not know there would be guys or an AV star, she went to hang out with friends.

But some concerned fans hoping that she doesn't shave her head too.

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:31 pm
by _D_
Is this as high as the Justin Bieber scandal of the past few weeks?

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:13 am
by kndy
_D_ wrote:Is this as high as the Justin Bieber scandal of the past few weeks?
Justin Bieber scandal is nothing big. Too many teen celebs in the US that get busted for something and for Bieber, he may hang out with a bad crowd, smoke weed but because they never have to address anything, they get lucky.

I think people are still wondering how many lives Lindsay Lohan still has.

But for Minegishi, it's bad for the sake that she was a first gen member, on television as an MC or featured on TV and magazines. Demotion was bad enough but the head shaving/cutting of hair with a scissor was a stunning visual for people in Japan.


Interesting is that the day before the scandal hit, I received my no3b CD single and was thinking, wow...Minegishi has beautiful long hair and she's looking great.

Woke up early in the morning the following morning to see the video with her hair all gone...

I have to say that it's great to see that she has fan support but the style of wig on her head during her performance yesterday, doesn't feel right but I understand why she wore it.


Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:24 am
by Heero
Just as a rhetorical, I was kind of wondering, which is worse:
1) the "no dating" policy
2) the press that hounds these girls looking to run this kind of story that really isn't anyone's business

I mean, if you think about it, idols are "acting" a part. If you're attached to the "character", then it shouldn't matter what the ACTRESS does? (I realize that's incredibly naive and not at all the reality, but I'm just saying)

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:09 am
by usamimi
I think both are incredibly awful, and the fact that it's 2013 and we're STILL treating idols this way is ridiculous. It's like you said, idols are basically like actresses playing a part, so throwing her to the wolves for simply falling in love and having a boyfriend is outrageous. I would love to see an idol group represented entirely by WOMEN for a change...I have a feeling that one of the reasons idols are so restricted (and basically oppressed) is that all the people that represent these girls are older men who are set in their ways and have no intention of ever changing or updating these ridiculous policies. (In fact, many of those poor girls probably had to sleep their way into a contract, so this whole "illusion of virginity" that they're supposed to uphold is kind of a joke to begin with, isn't it? :roll: )

Re: AKB48's Minami Minageshi's Public Apology

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:41 pm
by greg
I'd rather see an AKB apology about that one chick who posed topless with a little boy a few weeks ago. These girls are exploited, and stuff like that commercial where they were made to pass candy sensually from mouth to mouth and the "you can't have a boyfriend" rule is just some of the many ways they are exploited for the sake of perverted men.

Hey, do you wanna be famous?
Yes, I love singing and I love making people happy.
Great! Now take your shirt off.
Excuse me, what?
You heard me, show us your titties and we'll take pictures of you.
But what does that have to do with being famous?
Look, you want to be a part of AKB or not?
Well, I guess so, but...
Great. Now take your shirt off.
Well, okay, I guess...
Great. Now let this little elementary school boy grab your boobs from behind. We're going to publish this in a manga. You're gonna be famous!
Isn't this a bit like child pornography?
Shut up! Don't even attempt to grow a brain!

That photo was the true scandal. All this crap is just to make a bunch of ronery Japanese boys happy with their waifu. Sure, these girls have proven that they can sing well, but if they had integrity, all 48 of them would quit. Forcing them to compete against each other in some sick popularity contest and sexually exploiting these young women is not what real music should be about. I contemplated buying a pack of AKB48 gum for one of my YouTube Japanese snack videos, but I decided that I wouldn't even support AKB with the cost of a single pack of gum. At this rate, I bet one of these girls is eventually going to commit suicide.