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What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:45 am
by kndy
Curious if anyone wanted to purchase any complete series?

I would love to own the complete Japanese manga series of:

Kimagure Orange Road
Hokuto no Ken
Maison Ikkoku
Urusei Yatsura
Ranma 1/2
Video Girl Ai

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:51 pm
by usamimi
Oh man, I'm in the same boat as you! I want to get all of everything you've listed except for Hokuto no Ken! :lol:
I actually used to have almost all of the Japanese Maison Ikkoku until I moved and sold it (along with my English versions...thank goodness I was able to find all of those again recently! ;__; )...thanks to someone selling old used manga at A-kon last year, I did get a good chunk of the 1st printings of Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2, though! (and most of them for less than $2 a vol!) They're not in 100% perfect condition, but hey, for how old they are and how cheap, that's not bad.

I wish I hadn't sold so much of my manga before, though, because now I'm finding it hard to get some of it back. I had all of the 1st printing versions of Sailor Moon, now I only have a handful of them. I wouldn't mind getting those back eventually. Same with Dragonball, Dr. Slump, Rurouni Kenshin...ah, lots more ;3;

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:33 pm
by Path
kndy wrote:Curious if anyone wanted to purchase any complete series?

I would love to own the complete Japanese manga series of:

Kimagure Orange Road
Hokuto no Ken
Maison Ikkoku
Urusei Yatsura
Ranma 1/2
Video Girl Ai
All of the above except Maison Ikkoku (own in full) would be nice. I have the first volume of Orange Road and it was fun stuff.

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou is one I've been trying to find cheap. My Bookoff pretty much laughed at me when I asked for it, so I'm guessing its not that easy to find anymore? I would be so happy to be able to put that on my shelf.

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:20 am
by Animusubi
Ranma 1/2 (currently my number one, collecting all English and Japanese version volumes...yeah I'm that kind of fan, lol)
One Piece
Dragon Ball Z
Suikoden III
Maison Ikkoku
No Need for Tenchi
Urusei Yatsura
One Pound Gospel
Rumic Theater
Mermaid's Saga
3x3 Eyes
Sorcerer Hunters
Caravan Kidd
Dragon Half
Gunsmith Cats
Blue Seed
Justice Gakuen
Kimagure Orange Road

...I could go on. There's so much manga I want full sets of. XD;

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:04 am
by usamimi
Ok, can I mention how annoyed I STILL am that Tokyopop dropped re-releasing non-flopped versions of Sorcerer Hunters like THREE VOLUMES before the end of the series?! It pisses me off that I have the entire series, but the last couple of books are the crappy non-matching, flopped and edited versions. (Yes, I'm that person that complains when all the books in their collection don't match. IT JUST LOOKS WEIRD!) I mean...geez, they released 10 books that way, why not just do the last 3 and be done with it?! ;___; Freakin' Tokyopop....(I wouldn't mind getting the Japanese volumes to balance that out. At least THOSE would all match!)

I'm also sad that Dark Horse dropped 3x3 Eyes, but to be fair that's like a 40 vol series, so...I can understand why. But still. (I'd love to get all of the Japanese books someday but damn that is a LOT OF BOOKS.)

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:26 am
by kndy
usamimi wrote:Ok, can I mention how annoyed I STILL am that Tokyopop dropped re-releasing non-flopped versions of Sorcerer Hunters like THREE VOLUMES before the end of the series?! It pisses me off that I have the entire series, but the last couple of books are the crappy non-matching, flopped and edited versions. (Yes, I'm that person that complains when all the books in their collection don't match. IT JUST LOOKS WEIRD!) I mean...geez, they released 10 books that way, why not just do the last 3 and be done with it?! ;___; Freakin' Tokyopop....(I wouldn't mind getting the Japanese volumes to balance that out. At least THOSE would all match!)

I'm also sad that Dark Horse dropped 3x3 Eyes, but to be fair that's like a 40 vol series, so...I can understand why. But still. (I'd love to get all of the Japanese books someday but damn that is a LOT OF BOOKS.)
What is a flopped version?

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:50 am
by usamimi
Y'know, when they used to flip the art to read Western-style instead of the original Japanese format. (I forget sometimes that not everyone uses that I blame Frederik L. Schodt, he used that term so I ended up using it, too.)

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:32 pm
by kndy
usamimi wrote:Y'know, when they used to flip the art to read Western-style instead of the original Japanese format. (I forget sometimes that not everyone uses that I blame Frederik L. Schodt, he used that term so I ended up using it, too.)
Ahhh!!! I never owned a flop that how Tokyo Pop released manga in the USA?

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 6:46 pm
by usamimi
They did at first, when they were "Mixx"...then they pioneered that "100% Authentic Manga" stance a few years later, were they left manga unflipped that now most publishers follow. Sorcerer Hunters was one of their first flopped titles, and later on they started re-releasing them in the original Japanese format...and then stopped short 3 books from the end. It really bugged me, and still kinda does, obviously. XD;

Re: What manga series do you want to purchase complete?

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:13 pm
by danth
ryoran wrote:Ranma 1/2 (currently my number one, collecting all English and Japanese version volumes...yeah I'm that kind of fan, lol)
One Piece
Dragon Ball Z
Suikoden III
Maison Ikkoku
No Need for Tenchi
Urusei Yatsura
One Pound Gospel
Rumic Theater
Mermaid's Saga
3x3 Eyes
Sorcerer Hunters
Caravan Kidd
Dragon Half
Gunsmith Cats
Blue Seed
Justice Gakuen
Kimagure Orange Road

...I could go on. There's so much manga I want full sets of. XD;
Glad to see another fan of Jojhi Manabe. I love all his comics. Too bad all he seems to do nowadays is porn. Not that porn is bad, but, you know.