Forum Mission Statement, Requirements, & Rules

Discuss anime, especially but not limited to 1950's~1990's series, and related sub-topics
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Forum Mission Statement, Requirements, & Rules

Post by Daniel »


This forum is all about five things:

1) 1950's~1990's Anime & Manga: This forum is a place to discuss classic anime and manga as well as related topics such as figures/modeling, related music, fan-works, and more. Not that newer things can't be discussed as well, but we are definitely more focused on the classics here.

2) Fandom of the Roughly Mid-90's and Earlier Era: Providing for discussion of fandom of the previous generation(s) is also a major goal of this forum. Specifically, I am referring to the roughly mid-90's and earlier (generally pre-Toonami, pre-anime boom) era of fandom. For example: early cons, clubs, tape trading, Nth Generation VHS fansubs, old magazines & fanzines, fandubs, ancient merchandise, rec.arts.anime, and everything else that defined those days.

3) Maturity: Politeness, having a good attitude, thoughtful writing, quality discussion, taking the time to post with proper English... It's not like we can't enjoy ourselves and have a little fun, but in general we take the way that members interact with each other more seriously than most message boards. Furthermore, this forum is geared towards the 30 and 40+ age group, with many members being over even 50 years of age. This isn't to say that younger people can't join; however, on this board it is the younger generation that will have to fit in with the older, and not the other way around.

4) Providing a Place For the Older, Pre-Anime Boom Generation of Fans to Hang Out: Not only is mid-90's and earlier fandom a major topic of this forum, a major goal here is actually to reunite the generation of fans who go back to those days.

and 5) At the Same Time Welcoming Other Fans of Vintage Anime and Old School Fandom as Well: All those who share a love of vintage anime and fandom are welcomed and encouraged to join as well.

The requirements for joining this forum are:

1) Members must be mature, as described above.

2) Members must have, if not truly veteran level, at least a genuine interest in vintage anime and/or fandom.

and 3) While discussion of newer things is not off-limits, members should understand and appreciate the fact that this is a board geared towards fans of classic anime and vintage fandom. Some members may also be interested in newer anime and want to discuss it as well, and that's fine up to a point, but let's try not to stray too far from the old school ideal.

Finally, the rules here are:

1) Use your common sense.

2) Be polite, respectful, mature, and have a good attitude.

3) Use proper English. For non-native speakers: please just try your best.

4) Thoughtful discussion of fansubs, raws and other sundry bootlegs is OK; posting links or otherwise giving directions on downloading them is generally not. On the one hand, I watched a lot of fansubs in my earlier days as a fan, and I personally know a few fansubbers themselves -- great guys! On the other hand, I think that we can all agree that it's a gray area. Things like that old recording of footage that hasn't been seen in 30 years or long lost fansubs on tape from decades ago can be permissible on a case-by-case basis, but in general let's err on the side of caution and leave the downloading to the download sites and keep our focus on quality discussion here.

6) No discussion of religion or politics. It's just too touchy.

7) As this place is geared toward older fans, there isn't any problem in particular with "not safe for work" posts. However, just so that no one gets any surprises while clicking around the forum, instead of pasting adult images and/or videos directly into your message, please link to them instead, and please clearly mark the link as "NSFW".

8) While discussion of newer anime is not forbidden, please keep in mind that this message board is old school-centric at its heart. See above for details.

9) The "Fandom of the Roughly Mid-90's and Earlier Era" section of the forum is meant to deal with things of the pre-anime boom generation. I'm sorry, but things pertaining to Toonami or anything else of that era are off-limits.

10) Signatures are limited to a few lines of text, and may not include images.

Hope to see you around!
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