Shameless self-promotion - Shadowland Magazine

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Char Aznable
Posts: 220
Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:31 am
Anime Fan Since: Early '90s

Shameless self-promotion - Shadowland Magazine

Post by Char Aznable »

Just wanted to put in a little plug for Shadowland Magazine, the horror, sci-fi/fantasy fanzine I edit and publish. Issue #10 returned from the printers not long ago and I'm trying to get the word out about it. Shadowland #10's feature article is an in-depth retrospective on the '90s cartoon/toy line, Skeleton Warriors. There are also interviews with the series creator, Gary Goddard, and we speak with October Toys, the company responsible for the upcoming line of new Skeleton Warriors figures. Other articles include a look back at the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise (celebrating its 30th anniversary this year), a top-ten list of the best cliffhanger serials of the '40s featuring comic book heroes, and a detailed review of the Australian Ultraman television series (Ultraman: Towards the Future), with episode guide and interviews with the show's director and main actors. And, lastly, Shadowland examines 'ninja cinema' - ranking the best/worst films of the genre...and we speak with Sam Firstenberg, director of "American Ninja", "Revenge of the Ninja" and "Ninja III: The Domination".

Being an anime fan, I typically try to fit in some anime-related content in each issue. Not much made it into issue #10, but prior issues had articles on Robotech, Golgo 13, Dragon Ball Z, and more. Issue #2's main article (and cover art) featured The Guyver. A number of Japanese-related non-anime content had been included along the way too, such as a piece on "The Hunger Games vs. Battle Royale", Godzilla in comics, and the Hanna-Barbera Godzilla cartoon.

The magazine's available at Typically the issues run $9.95 each, but I'm having a holiday sale until 12/31, and the current issue and select back issues are $6. Here's the front/back covers for Shadowland #10. Anyway, that's my shameless self-promotion for the day...


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